
I am a Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Trainer, a Somatic Yoga Trauma-Informed teacher and creator of Mindful Body Yoga.

In 2014, I created Mindful Body yoga after years of watching people with natural stiffness, injuries, or somatic pain, trying to do power yoga and often over-stretching and further injuring themselves. Mindful Body emphasizes the in-the-present experience of body mindfulness to develop access and freedom of movement. Metaphors (such as grounding, fluency, and centered) guide this practice to give us a kind of deeply-felt “value-in-movement”. The metaphors help us get out of our head in a way, by using our head in new ways.

The Mindful Body sequences, done with attention, re-balance muscular activity and awareness and re-set the tonicity of muscles. We use simple movements and brain/body tools to develop communication between our mind and bodies. Where we can breathe into, we can change.

Image courtesy of Lululemon 2015

When we go through changes like illness, or trauma, or even aging, our own relationship with our body and our world also changes. There can be a strangeness rather than a familiarity, reducing comfort and safety to discomfort and fear. Understanding our self as our embodied self takes continued learning and practice through means that usually involve intentionally inviting learning in and about our body and mind.


Mondays 4:00 - 5:00pm at Harmony Yoga

Wednesdays 4:00 - 5:00pm at Harmony Yoga

Thursdays 9:30 - 10:30am at Shala Living Yoga

  • It's rare to find a teacher so committed to their own practice and curiosity... one who is constantly digging deeper. The beauty of Katie is that, as a teacher and coach, she brings and shares new ideas and discoveries to the world around her. We all benefit.


  • This whole year-long mindfulness program is so inspiring and supportive. So, thank you for developing this. I think you are a wonderful teacher, mentor, and visionary…


  • Based on her professional approach, I hired Katie for wellness coaching. She helped me create a clear focus and action steps that got me through the difficult transition of changing careers. During this stressful time I was able to start working towards incorporating better health habits into my life. Through the coaching process I’ve begun to see that I have more choices and options and feel less like I have to tolerate and cope.


  • Her approach makes us totally engaged and is not a program where you are just lecture two once or twice a month when we meet. I’m excited about the program as it has already made a difference in my life and I Appreciate Katie‘s dedication and willingness to help each participant.
