The more than she could chew (MTSCC) online support group vision is to be a safe, brave, and inclusive space to experience reflective and creative activities and practices to elevate our human potential and feel our best. We are committed and care deeply for each other and in the power of community and support to powerfully inspire and unlock greater possibility and wellbeing for all!


MTSCC is inspired by wisdom circles and research that has shown the impact of group learning on transformative self-learning processes.

Our core values include: personal responsibility, inclusion, courage + curiosity, learning, and connection.

We make a commitment to create and maintain a safe container, a sacred space within which group members can explore and express their experiences. To support this goal, we have guidelines that we ask each person to follow:

  • Listen with attention & openness and speak from the heart  Speak my truth—without blame or judgment on myself or others

  • Honor the talking object—that is chooses to talk or not, or acknowledges another speaker if appropriate (no cross-talk, opinions, or advice unless solicited)

  • Honor silence—remain silent when that feels right, and honor that choice when others make it

  • Keep confidentiality about what others share

  • Be responsible for my own boundaries and respectful of others’ boundaries

  • Be responsible for and attentive to my own experience, well-being, and growth, being open to ways I might change, questioning my assumptions

  • Be aware and willing to respect time considerations when sharing

  • Hold respect and compassion for a diversity of views (an opportunity for my own growth & development)

  • Remain curious & open, holding space for what is not yet known

  • Trust the process and do my best

    Thanks to several sources that inspired these: Diane Jacobson Born Angeles Arrien Anodea Judith & Selene Kumin Vega (Workshop commitments for Psychology of the Chakras) Garfield, C., Spring, C., & Cahill, S. (1998). Wisdom circles: A g