The Breathe Experience
Integrative remote coaching means having access to your next steps at your fingertips, keeping you connected to those who are prioritizing and supporting your goals—when you need it the most. Feel supported throughout your health journey with incremental lifestyle changes, evidence-based mind body practices, wellness planning, and community.
It’s all connected.
At the heart of Breathe is our belief that nothing happens in a vacuum. Nothing we experience in our body or mind occurs in isolation. Just as a tree is rooted in the earth, so are we. Our soils, roots, and waters are connected to everything we encounter, especially through what we feed ourselves. What we feed our minds, hearts, lungs, and guts connects everything we do and everything that happens to us. Even when what happens is seemingly accidental or outside our control or only in one organ or one body part, it is still linked to everything else in our psychology, our physiology, and our physical self through a vast network of trillions of signaling systems that science has only brushed the surface of understanding. Through this enormous interconnected communication network flows the minerals, compounds, and currency that animate life. It is that which we breathe, that which feeds our DNA, and that which connects us.
New research has shown that a dysregulated mind-body relationship maintains:
Negative body image, body dysmorphia, and body dissociation, and disordered eating behaviors.
Anxiety and related anxiety disorders